Wooden Tank Products:
Finding solutions to help customers get the most out of their new and existing facilities as it relates to wood tanks, wood flume and wood pipes.
Production and Storage:
Wooden Tank Advantages
Wood tanks and pipe have shown remarkable longevity in a variety of applications. In one plant, most of the sulphuric acid tanks have been in service for over 30 years.
Wooden Tank Services:
Each stave is carefully examined, then precision machined for exact fit. International’s engineers work closely with the customer to assist in designing each tank and pipe to fit the application.
Working with Us
Over 100 hundred years of customer satisfaction, serving many of the same customers.
International Pipe Company History
International Tank and Pipe Co. originated in 1904. At that time it bored wood pipe out of logs up to eight feet long. The plant soon became the first in the industry to make continuous wood pipe out of staves and wire wound pipe longer than eight feet per section.
Value Added Services
We have an excellent record of safe, efficient, professional, and expert installation. Guarantee, promise, and timely backing of products and installation.